Review of Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld

I've been laughing out loud at the new book of cartoons by Tom Gauld, Baking with Kafka (Amazon affiliate link). Assuming you're a writer able to laugh at yourself, you'll enjoy many of these tongue-in-cheek comments on our craft.



I especially enjoyed a couple of cartoons on the subject of memoirs, not least because I am currently studying on a course about writing memoir.

There's a fine cartoon that takes a pop at all those books that provide step-by-step instructions on structing your novel.

I think the cartoon I liked the most was 'Keyboard shortcuts for novelists', which enable you press a few buttons to find and fill plot holes, insert a polt twist and so on. It reminded me of the writing machine I invented a couple of years ago, the portable version of which is shown below:

My writing machine, by Terry Freedman 2017. Click on the picture to see a larger version.

My writing machine, by Terry Freedman 2017. Click on the picture to see a larger version.

This is definitely a book to chortle over, and would make a nice present too.

Copyright Terry Freedman. All rights reserved.