Quick look: Publishing 101 by Jane Friedman

I've started to read this book, and although I haven't completed it yet, I am starting to form the opinion that I like it.

It has been written for writers who wish to be traditionally published, although I think that some of the advice could be applied to self-publishing as well. For example, the advice on writing a book proposal is apposite for self-publishers, even though you would be writing it for yourself. After all, if a cold, hard analysis of your proposed book, its competitors (if any) and its market (if any) may well convince you to channel your energies into a different book entirely.

I like the chapter about the "psychological battle" at the beginning, which I think should be read by teachers too in order to help them help their students.

I also like the use of numbered and bullet point lists, which get to the heart of the matter without lots of persiflage.

Friedman has been in the editing and publishing business a long time, and it shows in this book.

So far, I'm impressed with the down-to-earth, no-nonsense advice.

I'll write a full review when I've read the whole thing.

You can purchase this book by clicking on the image below. Please note that this is an Amazon affiliate link, and that I received a review copy of the book.

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