Writers' know-how

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Notes from the writer's desk: a seminar, a free document, a book and my elbow

Fractured elbow, by Terry Freedman

Educational writers seminar

One of the highlights of my year is the Society of Author’s Educational Writers Group spring seminar. This year there are (as always) three great sessions. If you’re interested in making money from educational writing, do check it out. It takes place on Saturday June 8th in London. Details here: SoA Spring Seminar.


Before I fractured my elbow (see illustration), it had never occurred to me that being able to open a jar of coffee would be a major achievement. It has slowed me down somewhat, hence the delay in publishing a new issue of Terry Freedman’s Books Bulletin. But it’s virtually written (by which I mean written in my head), so hopefully it won’t be too long now.

Earning money from poetry

My verse-making is so awful that I’m hoping to make money from people paying me to not recite it. However, if you’re interested in earning from your poetry, the Society of Authors has produced a short, very handy guide — and it’s free. It’s called Making a living as a poet, and you can download it from the Society of Author’s Poetry and Spoken Word page.

A style guide that is readable and humorous

When someone told me that I should read something humorous to speed up my recovery (see elbow-related post, above), I didn’t imagine that the best book for the purpose would be Dreyer’s English. A lot of guides to grammar are too worthy and pompous to be enjoyable as well as useful, but this one manages to be both. I haven’t finished reading it yet, but I’ve found a few useful bits of advice so far, as well as having a good chuckle every so often. Click the book cover below to be taken to the book’s page on Amazon UK. Please note that this is an Amazon affiliate link.