Writers' know-how

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Brexit and authors

Writers are writers, wherever they happen to live in the world. I've often thought this: we face the same pressures in terms of issues like finding markets, getting published and getting paid.

So I was pleased to learn from the UK's Society of Authors that the European Writers' Council has given its assurance of its continued support to its UK members, regardless of whether or not we continue to be members of the EU. "We are all European", they said.

Also, the  Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society has stated that its arrangements with European organisations in terms of payment to writers for library borrowing and photocopying are still in place, and not dependent on membership of the EU.

Being optimistic, I like to think that many such reciprocal arrangements will continue across the board. There are other issues to be ironed out, such as EU grant funding, and the interests of UK publishers, but it's good to see the organisations involved taking such a positive and reassuring stance.