Writers' know-how

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How to make a living from writing: new video series

Joanna Penn has launched a new series of free videos on the theme of how to make a living from writing.

Joanna PennJoanna writes:

I'm working on building a video and audio course that goes through a step by step process of how to make a living with your writing. Plus, I'll be opening up a special community of like-minded authors so we can help each other along the way. It will include monthly group accountability calls with me so I can keep you moving :)

While that is under development, I have a FREE video training series for you starting with 11 ways to make money as an indie author. If you want to make a living with your writing, you should find it useful.

Click here to access the first video

Joanna is very successful, so she knows what she is talking about! As Matsuo Basho, a Japanese poet who lived from 1644 to 1694, said:

Go to the pine if you want to learn about the pine, or go to the bamboo if you want to learn about the bamboo.

Pretty good advice if you ask me.